Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Winterizing Yourself for Safety
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
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As we approach the holiday season, I would like to throw a few reminders out there in terms of keeping safe during one of the most “distracting” times of the year no matter how enjoyable it may be. It is easy to focus on what happens on the roads but how many of you think about your own personal safety? Are you as "winterized" as your truck? Here is what I mean:
    During the wintertime, icy running boards, steps, and trailer decks account for thousands of slip-and-fall accidents. While most are relatively   minor, every year a few drivers are paralyzed for life from these incidents.
    Frostbite is another problem. Many frostbite injuries come from not wearing proper headgear and gloves when you are outside your truck, especially refueling or doing your pre/post-trip inspection. The right clothing is the key to staying healthy, uninjured, and behind the wheel.  A good place to start self-winterizing is with your shoes. Make sure that you wear good quality footwear with slip/oil-resistant soles. Save your cowboy boots for the summer. They can be particularly slippery in bad weather. You don’t want get them all wet and salt stained anyway.
    Whenever you are outside in freezing weather, be sure to wear gloves, a hat (most body heat escapes through the scalp), and in really cold temperatures, make sure your ears are covered. Just in case, always carry a small heat pack.
Like the Boy Scouts say, "Be Prepared." It could save you a lot of money, not to mention pain.
    Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t say something about the increased hazards on the roads over the holidays. You’ve probably heard these hundreds of times - the increased traffic, particularly people driving hesitantly because of being unfamiliar with the area, everyone in a hurry, weather problems, extra stress, distractions everywhere, and more.
    You can't let it get to you or you’ll become one of the statistics. A recent NHTSA study puts increased crashes at Christmas time right up there between Thanksgiving and New Years. In fact, December 26th is the 6th highest day for speed-related crashes. So do your personal best to keep yourself safe.
Now to reinforce the message, here is a bit of poetry that I found:
Twas the week before Christmas and all through the roads,
Many creatures were hurrying to lighten their loads.
The customer orders were processed with care,
In hopes that deliveries soon would be there.
All drivers, well-rested from sleeping inside,
Were ready to make their long winter's rides.
As good as they are and exceptionally skilled,
They all wear their safety belts to prevent being killed.
While I in my PJs, bunny slippers and stuff,
Am hoping the weather will not be too tough.
Now hear me exclaim before losing my grip,
HAPPY Holidays to ALL and to ALL a SAFE TRIP!!
                         Best Wishes for a Safe Holiday Season & Be Ready. Be Buckled, R. Hiner