Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Attended By:
As a supervisor or an employee you have a responsibility to prevent accidents. Safety is a cooperative undertaking requiring a total safety consciousness on the part of every employee. No one likes to see someone injured, but if an accident occurs, in addition to treating the victim, prompt reporting must take place and corrective action taken to prevent additional problems. Proper planning, a good safety program, the right tools, and communication combine to prevent accidents.

Good housekeeping must be practiced at all times in and around your work areas. Return unused material to the proper storage place. Personal Protective equipment must be worn when the task requires it. Clothing and footwear should be suitable for the job. Set the example -- do what is right and never take chances or short cuts -- they cause accidents and injuries.

Alcohol and drugs have no place on a construction worksite. They will impair your motor skills and judgment. Guns and other weapons must be left at home Employees should be alert to see that guards are kept in place and properly adjusted. Never handle electrical equipment unless you have been trained to do so. Follow lockout/tag out procedures wherever applicable for routine servicing, repair, or relocation of electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic equipment.

Any good coach knows all the rules and all the players, and has a plan to get the team moving forward. A well planned job will have the same effect -- a crew that pulls together to safely accomplish whatever has to be done. Teamwork, planning and safety training go a long way in having a safe work environment. Know your limits -- ask for help -- take as much training as the company offers -- and look out for the other person. If you do all of the above, you know that your job will be safer for you and your co-workers.

One last thing to remember -- never ignore near-miss accidents. Find out what happened so you can make sure it doesn't happen again, to you or any other member of your team!