Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Attended By:
At home we would certainly pick up roller skates, pins, marbles and other dangerous objects from the floor at home, eliminating the possibility of accidents.
So why should we create hazards for co-workers by leaving objects like pipes, carts, boxes, barrels and other debris accumulate in aisles.
Recreation is important for health and happiness. But in order to relax after work, we must devote time to housekeeping to eliminate unsafe conditions, both at work and at home. Housekeeping should be a part of your daily routine.
Follow these steps to help keep your work area clean:
- Inspect your workplace daily for debris. Dispose of wastepaper, empty cartons, garbage and scrap material.

- Clean up anything that is spilled on the floor as soon as possible.

- Keep aisles and walkways clear of all obstructions. Aisles are made for traffic, not for storing materials.

- Store materials neatly and keep them away from traffic areas.

- Put tools back in their proper places. Tools left on the floor create hazards.

- Use nonflammable containers for disposing of scrap and waste substances. The containers should be located at convenient places.
- Know the locations of first-aid and firefighting equipment. Keep the route of access to this equipment free of debris.
Housekeeping is an important part of our daily work. With the cooperation of everyone we can keep our areas clean and neat, and free from tripping hazards. Fire hazards will also be reduced.
Take the time to think safety. With your help, accidents can become a thing of the past.