Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Attended By:
You are probably aware that it is the gasoline vapors that burn and not the gasoline itself. The vapors, which are heavier than air, can collect in low areas. 

Gasoline should be kept in an approved safety can, which should be properly identified as to its contents. Any other flammables should also be marked so as to distinguish between them. 

There are many ways gasoline can be ignited accidentally. A few of these sources of ignition are open lights, hot surfaces, sparks resulting from contact of metals, operation of electrical equipment, and discharge of static electricity. Smoking and matches, of course, are also common ignition sources.

Although not as serious a threat as fire, it is possible that certain toxic actions may result from inhaling gasoline fumes. In large amounts, the fumes can irritate mucous membranes and can also cause dizziness and headaches.

Gasoline should not be used for cleaning purposes. This applies to cleaning your hands, equipment, clothing, and similar substances. A non-flammable or non-toxic solvent should be used instead.

Gasoline should be kept in approved containers and identified.

When fueling equipment, make sure that the engine has stopped and that all lights are out. If area of tank opening is hot, wait until it cools.

Do not do a sloppy job of pouring. Keep the hose nozzle or can spout in constant contact with the rim of the tank opening. If you spill more than a few drops, flush it away immediately.  When filling a container with a small opening, a funnel should be used to avoid spillage. I might add here that it’s a good idea to keep at the job site only the amount of gasoline needed during your particular shift. 

Gasoline is important to our way of life. We see its importance in running our automobiles, boats, lawnmowers, and many other things. So let’s keep it working for us and not against us. Treat it with caution and follow the safety rules we’ve just covered.

SAFETY REMINDER:  Life is too short to take chances with gasoline.