Company Name __________________________ Job Name __________________________ Date_________________
Safety Recommendations:________________________________________________________________________________
Job Specific Topics:_____________________________________________________________________________________
M.S.D.S Reviewed:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Attended By:
We’ve all  hear about scaffolding accidents where one or more workers have been injured or killed. Faulty design and inadequate construction are sometimes involved; but in most cases, scaffold accidents are caused by careless maintenance and improper use. Help keep your scaffolds safe for your safety by obser­ving these simple procedures:

Inspect scaffolds daily prior to use; particularly, guard rails, connectors, fastenings, footings, tie-ins, and bracing.

Keep platforms closely boarded, fenced, and securely fastened.

Don't stockpile materials on scaffolds; remove all materials and tools at the end of the day.

Never overload scaffolds. Pile materials over ledger and bearer points to minimize platform loading.

Don't work on scaffolds during storms or high winds, and clear platforms of all ice and snow before using. Sand wet planking to prevent slipping.

Protect scaffolds . . . don't bump or strike against scaffolds with vehicles or materials . . . control hoisted material from ground with taglines.

Keep platforms and area around scaffolds cleared of debris, un-needed equipment, material, and other hazards that will cause you to trip or fall.